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Coastal Classes

Splash into spring with science!

Join us for six fin-tastic sessions at the beach!

Oozing Oil Spill 

When: March 1, 2022

Time: 3:30-4:30pm
Cost: $10 per person, 2 yrs and under free


Oil spills are a huge problem for the ocean, but why? How do oil spills affect the ocean ecosystem? Discover how oil spills affect marine animals and how we clean them up as we get hands on with an oil spill activity! Create your own oil spill and figure out how to best clean up the mess!

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Shark Attack 

When: March 3rd, 2022

Time: 2:00-3:00PM
Cost: $10 per person, 2 yrs and under free


Find out what makes these finned friends so feared as we bust the shark myths you hear all the time! Get hands on with some shark jaws and learn how scientist tag sharks!

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All About Aquaculture

When: March 8, 2022

Time: 3:30-4:30pm
Cost: $10 per person, 2 yrs and under free


As the world's population grows, so too does the need for food to sustain that population. Learn about the field making a splash in the protein market, aquaculture! From pens in the ocean, to ponds bigger than football fields, fish are raised all over the world! We'll also be showing you our own aquaculture system, a brand new addition to the science station!

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Fish Stall

Microscopic Microplastics

When: March 10, 2022

Time: 2:00-3:00PM
Cost: $10 per person, 2 yrs and under free


Have you ever wondered what exactly a microplastic is? Where do they come from? Are they poisonous? How can I stop them?

Join us as we get hands on with an albatross bolus and discover the microplastics that a living albatross ate! We'll also be checking out some microplastics found in our local waters by students at the science station. There's so much to learn about these tiny pieces of plastic that are all around us, even in the tap water we drink!

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Trash on Beach

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