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Award-Winning Staff

Charlene Mauro-Director

Charlene Mauro is the Director of the Navarre Beach Marine Science Station. Through Pensacola State College, she teaches Marine Biology and Oceanography to area dual enrollment students who in turn educate young children that attend programs on site. In addition to serving as the Director of the Navarre Beach Marine Science Station, she serves as the first ever Science Specialist for the Santa Rosa County School District. Mrs. Mauro has successfully written grants to completely transform a vacant ranger station into a fully functional science field station.  Knowing the immense positive impact that scientific research and teacher professional


national levels. Past honors include National Marine Educator of the Year, Outstanding Florida High School Science Teacher of the Year, University of Florida Distinguished Educator, EPA’s Presidential Award, Gulf Guardian Award, Navarre area Citizen of the Year, University of West Florida Outstanding Young Alumnus, 2016 Johnette D. Bosarge Memorial Award, and a finalist for Florida Teacher of the Year. Mrs. Mauro serves as a mentor for the UWF-Teach program and UWF STEM Scholars. is an active member in professional and community groups including the Gulf Coast Ocean Observation Systems (GCOOS), National Marine Educators Association, National Science Teachers Association, and Rotary. By example, Charlene encourages her students to find their passion, seek opportunities, make a difference, and always continue to learn.

development has made on her career, Mrs. Mauro makes at least two professional presentations annually at local, state, and

Carl- Scuba Instructor

Tazz- Scuba Instructor

In loving memory of
"Kayak Dave" Barker- The ULTIMATE Kayak Guide

"Kayak Dave" Barker has been a Station supporter since its earliest days in 2009. After seeing Charlene Mauro's enthusiasm in getting the Station started, he offered to do what he could to help make it successful - and did this until his passing in December of 2023. Recognizing the value of his own personal educational experiences, he especially loved "the skills and knowledge the students gain by being instructors" to elementary school students on their field trips to the NBMSS. Needless to say, Kayak Dave has been integral in maintaining one of the most memorable activities at the Station - kayaking! 




Kayak Dave returned to Navarre in 1997 after working in a sewing factory for 14 years to pursue all-things-kayak. As a kayak ecotour guide and business owner for 20+ years, an Associate Instructor for the Florida Master Naturalist Program, and water quality analyst/volunteer for Water Watch, Dave shared a wealth of knowledge of our local environment with our students and attendees of our programs. He was also a volunteer for Santa Rosa Marine Extension, Navarre Beach Sea Turtle Conservation Center, and Navarre Beach Marine Sanctuary. Dave was an incredibly valued volunteer, an amazing mentor, and a one-of-a-kind friend. His dedication to our environment and to teaching has left a lasting effect on everyone at the station and to our local community. Dave was one of those people that you never forget and he certainly left an impact on hearts.


Emily Bagley- Outreach Coordinator

It was during Emily's senior year at Navarre High School that the NBMSS opened. In fact, she and some of her fellow classmates helped make it happen by petitioning for the repurposing of the old ranger station in Navarre Beach Marine Park to be made into a classroom by the sea at a Board of County Commisioners meeting - and look what it has become over 10 years later! Emily has been involved with the Station ever since, starting out volunteering, then working summer camps, and now as the Outreach Coordinator. She says "I love the whole vibe of the place. You are instantly welcomed - all the students, staff, and volunteers are beaming with friendly attitudes. They are so keen to share everything that they have learned with you. It's one of those places that makes you feel comfortable no matter your level of science studies. The power of a love for a shared interest is the best feeling in the whole world." 

Emily loves sharing the marine science knowledge she has gained through her time at the NBMSS with others. She is passionate about helping people understand, rather than fear, the ocean. She loves the look on their faces when nervousness changes to wonder as she teaches them something new or they interact with a "scary" organism for the first time. "You learn so much and then want to share what you have learned, and to me that is the best thing you can teach," she says. She also educates people on practical things they can do to make a difference. She explains that visitors often ask what they can do to help, and "I respond by telling [them] to take more than what they brought to the beach. Take all the trash from the things you brought to the beach and pick up the extra trash." These are simple actions that Emily also teaches her two young children. It's a great example of how small habits can have a huge collective impact our marine environment.

Incredible Teacher Volunteers

Danna Chatwell

Outdoors and animals have always been a fascination to Danna Chatwell - studying every detail from why it moves like it does to how it acquires its food. Danna graduated from Texas A&M with a degree in Elementary Education 1-6, General Specialist Education K-12, and received a Master of Education in Science 1-9. Of all of the grades she has taught, 7th grade has been her favorite. 


Danna came to Woodlawn Beach Middle School seven years ago and loves every minute teaching science. Going to work is not only a joy but also her hobby. When the NBMSS opened its doors, another dream came true: to spend the summers working outdoors learning about the wonderful place we live and the wildlife that surrounds us. Not only does she enjoy working near the Gulf of Mexico, but she also LOVES surfing it! Sitting on the outside waiting for a wave and watching the wildlife pass underneath completes her love for science.


Emily Simon

Emily Simon is a kindergarten teacher at West Navarre Primary School. She attended North Carolina Wesleyan College and has a Bachelor of Science degree in Physical Education with a certification in Education K-6. Emily is a member of the Florida Marine Science Educator Association and the Florida Geographic Alliance. She was Santa Rosa County Rookie of the Year in 2013 and was awarded West Navarre Primary's 2017 Teacher of the Year.


She was born in Milton and raised in Fort Walton Beach. Her parents and grandparents instilled the love of our local waters and the importance of taking care of it while enjoying it. Emily has been married to Rob Simon for over 20 years and they have three children, Bobby, Emma, and Elijah. In her spare time, Emily enjoys paddle boarding and hiking.

Ginni Rushing

Ginni Rushing attended the University of Florida where she received her Master's degree in Elementary Education (K-6) and specialized in Early Childhood and Psychology. She is a S.T.E.A.M. (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Math) third-grade lead teacher at Holley-Navarre Intermediate School, where she was honored as 2020 Teacher of the Year. 


As a 25-year veteran teacher, she creates an environment where creativity, collaboration, communication, and critical thinking are key. Having grown up as the daughter of a Coast Guard Commander, she has always lived near the coast and has a passion for all marine life. In her spare time, she enjoys snorkeling around Navarre Beach reefs, kayaking, paddle boarding, and surfing.


Casey Fearon

When he's not giving kids unforgettable fishing experiences during the summer or entertaining local audiences with his mad bass guitar-playing skills, science teacher extraordinaire, Casey Fearon, can be found wowing his 8th graders in his Gulf Breeze Middle School classroom. As Santa Rosa County's 2008 Rookie of the Year, Casey's passion and enthusiasm for science education has been evident from the start of his career. As the husband of NBMSS Director, Charlene Mauro, Casey has been an integral part of the Station even before it opened!


Camping, fishing, snorkeling and scuba diving have always been part of Casey's life. These activities, as well as a natural curiosity about how the world works, fostered in him a love of science and appreciation for the environment at an early age. What he loves most about the NBMSS is "seeing the 'light bulb moments' of kids as they gain understanding and a sense of stewardship for our environment." He also "enjoy[s] seeing the shouts of 

excitement when students see plankton under the microscope as they realize how much life is all around us in the Gulf."


Casey is passionate about scientific literacy and believes that everyone should spend time outdoors learning about every ecosystem they can. he says "I hope people will understand how truly connected and interwoven all the ecosystems of our planet are. Once you get a grasp on that, you realize that EVERYTHING matters."

Glenn Rutland

Glenn Rutland was in the classroom for 33 years. During that time she taught Physical Science, Earth and Space Science, Life Science, and gifted learners in Middle and Elementary schools in Georgia and Florida. She retired from Santa Rosa County School District in 2014. Glenn  was a finalist for the NASA astronaut Teacher in Space program in 2004   As a result of this accomplishment she is a member of NASA/NEAT (Network of Educator Astronaut Teachers ) Glenn was also a teacher coach for the ZERO-G flights and a Stephen Hawking Fellow

Rothschild Middle School Teacher of The Year, Holley-Navarre Intermediate Teacher of the Year, Air Force Association State of Florida Aerospace Teacher of The Year, Civil Air Patrol SE Regional Teacher of The Year and Wilmington College Educator Alumni Award are just a few of the accolades that Glenn has received during her teaching career.

Awesome Volunteer Staff

Katie Bray

Katie Bray was born and raised in Navarre, where her adolescent adventures were always beach related. She did not realize how the water would impact her life until she attended the NBMSS class her senior year. She taught people of all ages and loved the positive impact she had on her community through the program. After that, her spark of interest in marine biology and the great outdoors inspired her to pursue a Bachelor's degree in biology at the University of West Florida. During her years in school, she researched plant ecology and the microbial ecology of the Gulf of Mexico.

  Although ocean and marine conservation is one of her passions, her first passion is people. After Graduating in 2021, Katie became a coordinator with the Okaloosa County Tourism Department, where she focuses on getting kids out on the water. Combining her passion for people and marine conservation, Katie shares her love for the water and inspires others. She continually helps NBMSS, volunteering to teach for summer camps and outreach events.



Nick Meyer

Nick is an avid fisherman who enjoys bay, and inshore fishing the most. He also enjoys scuba diving, and plans to get his advanced certification. Nick is currently attending Pensacola State College to attain his welding certificate, then he plans to go into commercial fishing; then proceed to charter fishing out of destin.


Tucker Reynolds

The NBMSS has played a role in Tucker's life for many years. As a kid, he attended numerous summer camps at the Station and developed a passion for the ocean and marine life. In 2016, when he was a junior at Navarre High School, Tucker had the opportunity to attend classes at the Station. He credits that experience with igniting his desire to become a marine biologist and is a recent graduate of the University of West Florida's marine biology program. 


He is most passionate about sustainable fishing, conserving and maintaining fish populations, as they play a crucial role in the food chain. In addition to being a mentor for current high school students at the Station, he teaches the Guy Harvey Fishing Camp during the summer. Working at the Station allows him to share his love of fishing and the outdoors with others. He wants visitors to the Station to "recognize how important and fragile our coastal environments are and that we need to preserve and maintain them for the future." 


Cade Rice

Cade is a lifetime local that has a passion for fishing, preserving our marine ecosystem, and educating others about our marine environment and why it is so important. The Navarre Beach Marine Science Station is Cade’s second home where he has developed his passions and created new ones. Cade has been involved in various projects from Red Tide Sampling to Micro-plastics, however he started our very own Hydroponic System the uses fish and plants in a symbiotic relationship. He has continued his education to study Marine Sciences at Pensacola State College to then transfer to the University of South Alabama. Cade continues to volunteer at the Navarre Beach Marine Science Station in hopes to inspire the next generation of Marine Scientists.

Sam Palmer

Sam is a student at Eckard College in South Florida, pursuing his passion in marine science. Whether Sam is diving or fishing, he is always in the water looking for fish. From a young age, Sam has had a passion for being out on the water. It's grown so much that he even shared his passion with the children working at the Navarre Beach Marine Science Station


Matthew Barrs

Matthew is a Mechanical Engineering student at the University of Central Florida. Matthew loves exploring the ocean any way he can through diving, snorkeling, and paddle boarding. He loves sharing his passion for Marine Science through education, hoping to light a spark for conversation. In his time at the station, he was part of the International competing Burrfish SeaPerch ROV Team. He continues to be involved with the Aquatic Care Team and other projects. When he is at the station, he helps take care of animals, fix things, and help any way he can. 

Cassie Stanish

Cassie is a former student of NBMSS currently studying Mechanical Engineering at the Florida Institute of Technology. Beyond engineering, she has a passion for teaching, conservation, and the ocean. She accredites NBMSS for helping her develop her love for the ocean and takes a special interest in paying it forward every chance she gets. In college, she continues to follow her passions through community work with young students, running the sustainability club at school, and by volunteering at NBMSS when home. When in Navarre, Cassie helps with animal care, community events, teaching about school groups, and editing the website. She loves the station and helping out as much as she can. The station has played an important role in her life and she loves to be a part of this amazing program!

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