SeaPerch ROV

Each year students in the class learn the basics of ROVS (Remotely Operated Vehicles) and their practical uses in the marine science field. They design and build their own ROV allowing them to learn new skills including the engineering process, using power tools, and soldering. Several students compete in the SeaPerch ROV program. Each team of students designs, builds, tests, and drives their own robot from materials in the provided kit. The regional competition, held at the University of West Florida, challenges teams to complete an obstacle course in the fastest time, and a mission course following the year's theme. Depending on scores at the regional competition, some teams progress to the International Competition.
In the 2023 competition, our Team Burrfish took second place at the regional competition and progressed to the international competition held at the University of Maryland. There they took 10th place overall in the world! Check them out below!