Aquatic Care Team- Water Quality

Our student led Aquatic Care Team, also known as ACT, is currently monitoring the water quality in Santa Rosa Sound with routine sampling and testing.
We have worked to establish a GIS system for our data reporting. If you would like to view our most up-to-date data, please click below to visit our data site.
We are currently sampling at 4 sites​
1. Navarre Beach Marine Park
This site is our control site since it is the farthest away from developed areas in the Santa Rosa Sound.
2. Navarre Causeway
This site helps us to monitor the water quality from the middle of Santa Rosa Sound rather than close to the beaches.
3. Waste Water Treatment Plant Shoreline
This site is to see the impact on the wastewater treatment plant's impact on the environment near it. Effluent is released into the Santa Rosa Sound from the Waste Water Treatment Plant.
4. Shell Shop
This site is to see the impacts of commercial activity on the Northern side of the Sound.

What data do we collect?​
Field Observations
Turbidity (Water Clarity)
Water Color
Surface Water Conditions
Water Odor
Cloud Cover
Air Temperature
Wind Speed and Direction​
Inches of Rainfall
Water Quality Parameters:
Dissolved Oxygen
Water Temperature
Chlorophyll A